01780 769177

Poor digital marketing can lead to

Ineffective Marketing Campaigns

Choosing the wrong digital marketing supplier can lead to ineffective campaigns, wasting time and money and harming your business's growth.

Wasted Budgets

A bad digital marketing supplier may misallocate your budget, overspending on ineffective strategies, wasting financial resources for critical growth areas.

Damage to Brand Reputation

Unethical tactics by your supplier, like spammy emails, black hat SEO, or unethical social media, can lead to long-term credibility issues with potential customers.

Great digital marketing campaigns can lead to

Increased Leads/Sales

The power of effective digital marketing campaigns cannot be overstated. Done right, and it can supercharge a business increasing leads and sales.

Increased Brand Awareness

Using strategic online campaigns you can reach a vast audience, create a lasting impression and elevate your brand's identity.

Customer Loyalty

nurturing relationships through personalized content, exclusive offers, and engagement on platforms they frequent.

How to get started

1. Book a discovery call

Contact us and we will give you a free 40 minute discovery call. We will listen and learn about your requirements and provide you with some free insights.

2. We send you a Proposal

We take your requirements and put together a proposal. Our proposal will detail the approach we will take for your digital marketing campaign.

3. Execution and Iteration

We go to work. You will have visibility of what we are doing you'll be kept in the loop on the progress of your digital marketing campaign.

Contact us and get help with your digital marketing

Call us on 01780 769177

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Our Services

WordPress Websites

WordPress powers over 34% of the web. This software is extremely popular with SMEs and large enterprises. Allowing their content and marketing teams the flexibility and ease of being able to schedule or reactively update their websites.

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E-commerce Websites

The UK consumer loves to buy online. We can help you put your product or service in front of this ever-growing audience. We treat each company and shop we work with as an individual, and build our solutions with your customer and company ethos and values in mind.

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Website Updates and Support

Do you need a helping hand with your website?

We can help you stay on top of website updates. We code in a variety of different programming languages and we are able to work with many different frameworks and libraries.

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Technical SEO

It's important to ensure your website is technically sound. Failure to do so can impact the accessibility of your website and search rank.

We use our expertise to analyse and correct any underlying technical issues which may be lurking within your website.

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Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)

Is your website generating enough enquiries or sales?

Calling upon over 25 years of digital experience, we can identify problems in your user experience and propose solutions to help your website deliver better results.

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Content Marketing

We help businesses and organisations stay on top of the ever-growing demand for content.

We help clients attract website traffic and increase user engagement. We write content for websites (e.g. blog articles, product descriptions) and for other marketing channels (e.g. social media, digital advertising campaigns and print).

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Over 25 years' experience

About Stamford Digital®

Stamford Digital® is a digital agency founded to make digital better.

We offer a range of services with a strong focus on website and mobile app development. Organisations evolve and grow with us as we improve their digital strategy, conversion and products.